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Update on the Industry with Helen Johnson from Talking Point

  • 1 Mar 2024
  • 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
  • Online
  • 27


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Update on the Industry

with Helen Johnson from Talking Point

Friday 1st March

13:15 - 13:45 (UK time) via Zoom

We all know that last year was a write-off for the industry, and it had a huge impact on crew, many of whom didn't work for a significant part of the year.

Everyone had high hopes for January, but we're now into February, and although some productions have started up, it's still frustratingly quiet. If you're feeling concered at the lack of phone calls, you're really not the only one.

So, the questions everyone wants answered, are; 'Why is it still so quiet' and 'When is it going to get busy?' And most importanly, 'How long are we going to be waiting?'

We'll be asking Helen Johnson from Talking Point about what is going on. Helen consults for several industry bodies, including the BFI, and runs courses for Art, Set Dec and Props crew.

We'll be looking at all the issues that could be causing the slow pace in the industry at the moment, and what to potentially expect for the coming months.

Sign up for the session below. Don't forget to submit a question if there's anything specific that you'd like Helen to answer.

The webinar is FREE for Filmbase members and £10 for non-members. If you'd like to become a Filmbase member, click here.

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