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There are three levels of membership. Please see the details for each level below. 

Frequently asked questions

What counts as a credit?
Credits must be listed on IMDB for a scripted, professional, film or TV production (drama or comedy) that has either had (or is due to have) a cinematic, streaming or broadcast service release or has been shown at an international festival.

Credits must be for roles in the department that you are joining. For example, to join the Art Department Accredited membership, you must have two credits for Art Department roles.

Please see our FAQs for information on adding credits to IMDB.
How does payment work?
The yearly membership fee can be paid as an auto-renewing Visa or MasterCard payment. If can be cancelled at anytime, but refunds can not be given.
How do I get job alerts?
Job Alerts will be emailed to you with full details of how to apply for the position. You can see examples of recent Job Alerts, that were sent to members, on this page

You will only receive alerts that match your membership level (Accredited or New to the Industry) and the roles that you select in your profile. Please see our FAQs for more information.
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