Upgrade to AccreditedAre you a New to the Industry member with two credits, as listed on IMDB?You may be eligible for our Accredited membership.Accredited Criteria:For individuals with 2 or more credits, or 6 months experience in a prop modelling workshop.Credits must be listed on IMDB for a scripted, professional, film or TV production (drama or comedy) that has either had (or is due to have) a cinematic, streaming or broadcast service release or has been shown at an international festival.Credits must be for roles in the department that you are joining. For example, to join the Art Department Accredited membership, you must have two credits for Art Department roles. Please see our FAQs for information on adding credits to IMDB. If you're not sure what the difference is between the Accredited membership and the New to the Industry membership, please have a look at the Join Filmbase page and the FAQ page. Or do get in touch if you want to ask us any questions. |